Shirt Anatomy


Your dress shirt collar not only affects how formal your shirt feels but it can also help enhance your face shape.  Always remember to make sure that you can fit two fingers inside your collar.  This will ensure you can feel comfortable while wearing your dress shirt.  We offer you the four most classic and time honored types of collar for your dress perfect shirt:  1. the Londoner, 2. the English Spread, the 3. Straight Point, and 4. the Button Down. 

Londoner – The Londoner is our most corporate collar, boasting the widest collar point spread in our collar range. This formal collar is quintessentially British, and looks superb with medium to larger sized knots.

English Spread – The English Spread Collar is a classic which always makes it a safe choice.  It has a wider spread which can accommodate a fuller knot. It also looks great unbuttoned.

Straight Point – The Straight Point Collar’s can be worn in all most any situation.  It has a narrow spread that fits nicely in a suit jacket and will have a slimming effect on men with round faces. 

Button Down – The Buttoned Down Collar is slightly more casual. This collar looks terrific opened and goes perfectly with a sweater or blazer.

Contrast Collar – Originally a key fashion item of 1980s corporate tycoons (think Gordon Gekko), the contrast collar dress shirt is experiencing a revival. This look is still on the rise, but the contrast collar dress shirt now worn a bit differently. Now, it’s not only just for business suits.  Contrast collar dress shirts are now developing a more laid-back feel. Many men now enjoy wearing contrast collar dress shirts with a blazer, sweater, cardigan, and denim to spiff up their looks.  Why not give it a go youself?